Venous leg ulcer
Venous leg ulceration and chronic venous insufficiency represent a significant health problem throughout the world. The key to successful management lies in the use of compression therapy

The underlying cause of a venous leg ulcer (VLU) is venous disease. Not everyone with vein problems will go on to have a leg ulcer, but everyone with a venous leg ulcer will have signs and symptoms of venous disease that they can trace back over time
Venous leg ulcers are a common, chronic, recurring condition, with an estimated prevalence of between 0.1% and 0.3% in the UK
As the population ages, all these factors will escalate the cost to the patient and healthcare organisations in the future.
Venous leg ulcers are due to chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). This occurs when the valves of the veins (deep or/and superficial or/and perforator veins) do not function correctly and allow the blood to flow back down (reflux) into the section of vein below.
The pathology can also include venous obstruction (e.g. from blood clotting)
Diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency is based on clinical characteristics; chronic venous hypertension causes a number of skin changes:
- oedema
- visible capillaries around the ankle
- trophic skin changes such as hyperpigmentation caused by hemosiderin deposit
- atrophie blanche
- induration of the skin and underlying tissue (lipodermatosclerosis) and
- stasis eczema
In patients with chronic venous insufficiency, the inability of the calf muscles to pump venous blood contributes to the development and delayed healing of venous ulcers. As a result, compression treatment is used to treat lower limb venous insufficiency
There are many risk factors for venous ulceration, including heredity, obesity, venous occlusion, and age
Clinical and economic burden
In the UK, venous leg ulcers have been estimated to cost the National Health Service £400m ($720m; €600m) per year
Physicians need to be aware that venous leg ulcers have an improved chance of healing if patients can be admitted to hospital for continuous leg elevation
Too often, early preventive treatment is not undertaken due to the increasing number of patients with venous leg ulcers and the increasing shortage of hospital beds, the high cost of in-patient hospital care, and the need to maintain independence in the mainly elderly population who suffer from venous leg ulcers
Effects on patient quality of life
Venous leg ulceration is often a chronic condition and patients experience a prolonged cycle of skin healing and then breakdown, sometimes over decades, with episodes of infection, all of which can impair quality of life
Management of leg ulcers occurs mainly in the community, but community nurses and general practitioners have limited time to spend with patients, and this time is usually directed to clinical management
In a recent exploratory study undertaken to compare the pain and stress experiences of 49 patients with chronic wounds being treated with atraumatic vs, conventional dressings during dressing change, acute episodes of pain and stress were much lower in patients receiving atraumatic dressings
There are several guidelines and consensus recommendations for the management of venous leg ulcers
Wound bed preparation
The principles of wound bed preparation, e.g. using the TIME acronym, encourage a systematic approach to assessment
TIME is a model comprising the four components that underpin wound bed preparation:
- Tissue management
- Inflammation and infection control
- Moisture balance and
- Epithelial (edge) advancement
Debridement is necessary to remove dead or devitalized tissue to encourage healthy granulation tissue formation
Risk of infection
Chronic non-healing wounds of the lower extremities are susceptible to infection, which can lead to serious complications, such as delayed healing, cellulitis, enlargement of wound size, debilitating pain, and deeper wound infections causing systemic illness
Compression therapy and wound debridement can encourage clearance of the infection and help to promote healing
Exudate in venuous leg ulcer
Patients with venous leg ulcers generally have an increase in wound exudate when compared with patients with other forms of chronic skin ulcers
The most important factor in reducing exudate levels is appropriate sustained compression therapy, not the dressing
Compression therapy
Compression therapy is widely recognized as key to the management of venous leg ulcers, it increases healing rates in comparison with no compression therapy
A variety of devices are used for compression therapy, including different types of bandages, bandage systems, and garments that provide sustained compression, and pneumatic devices can apply intermittent compression
It is essential that before treating a lower leg ulcer with compression therapy that the underlying aetiology has been established and arterial disease has been excluded. This can be done by a combination of holistic assessment and simple investigations. In 15-20% of venous leg ulcers an arterial impairment coexists
The role of dressings in the management of venuous leg ulcers
Ulcers of the skin require wound dressings for protection from further trauma, prevention of progression, and treatment. Because venous leg ulcers are associated with high levels of exudate that contain proteases and inflammatory cytokines that may damage surrounding healthy skin, current guidelines recommend the use of wound dressings that manage wound exudate while maintaining a moist wound bed
The effective management of wound exudate has been shown to reduce time to ulcer healing, to reduce the risk of skin damage and infection, and to enhance patient quality of life and improve healthcare clinical and cost efficiency
The dressing selected should be:
- effective under compression therapy, i.e. retain moisture without leaking when placed under pressure.
- atraumatic without damaging the wound bed or periwound skin on removal
- comfortable and conformable to the wound bed
- of low allergy potential
- still intact on removal
- low profile (unlikely to leave an impression in the skin)
- cost-effective, i.e. offer optimal wear time
Other advanced treatments for venuous leg ulcer
After all standard care measures have been implemented, adjunctive treatments for chronic venous leg ulcers should be considered

The Exufiber® Effect
It is time for change
Highly exuding wounds are challenging to treat. Clinicians may see exudate pooling, slough and delayed healing due to the presence of biofilm. Patients may feel pain, embarrassment and anxiety from leakage. That is why we are looking at gelling fibres differently. Providing a wound healing solution that clinicians want to see and that patients can feel.