Mölnlycke gold sponsor at the 16th Park Annual 2021
Nordic Health Innovation: From realisation to business
16th Park Annual 2021 takes place on October 7, 10:00 – 15:00 CET and can be attended virtually. Park Annual, organised by Sahlgrenska Science Park, is a Nordic event where companies from West Sweden share international innovation examples and best practices.
The event is free to attend and is now open for international audiences.

The focus of the virtual life science event is to add perspective on how and why the Nordic region scores high on international innovation rankings every year. It will also try to deep dive on the facts, myths, and culture of the “Nordic way” and take up the successful health innovation.
Programme sessions with presentations, panel discussions:
- The Nordic way: myths, facts and culture
- The necessary prerequisites: How data increase the human perspective
- The investor perspective: Strongholds, qualities and future for Nordic Life Science
- Joining forces: The art of cluster collaboration
To learn more about the Park Annual 2021, visit the Sahlgrenska Science park event page here.