Closed Incision Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: A literature review and an introduction to Avance Solo
A supplement, authored by Phil Davies, Senior Global Medical Affairs Manager at Mölnlycke Healthcare, presenting a literature review on Closed Incision Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and Avance® Solo was published onto on September 29, 2022.

Wounds that result from surgical interventions should, in theory, present less of a clinical challenge than other types of wounds as they are generally ‘clean’ and formed by pre-determined incidents. However, despite many advances in the technologies and techniques used in the pre-, intra- and post-operative phases of patient care, surgical site complications continue to be a major cause of delayed healing, morbidity and mortality, all of which contribute to a significant economic burden on health care providers
Post-operative dressings are integral to the management of closed surgical incisions and, in order to ensure a continuum of care throughout the healing phase, Morgan Jones, et al, 2022
“At Molnlycke we believe Avance® Solo is an essential part of our wound treatment portfolio and gives the clinician and patients greater choice and flexibility when negative pressure wound therapy is required to support healing and prevent suffering from the complications of surgery,“ says John Timmons, Global Medical Director Wound Care
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