Mölnlycke Health Care is announced as new Founding Partner for GoCo Arena
Last spring, Mölnlycke Health Care announced that they will move to an entire new headquarter in GoCo Health Innovation City. The 16,000 square meter office will be ready for occupancy in 2024.
Now, Mölnlycke Health Care also becomes a Founding Partner to GoCo Arena, the life science cluster's collaboration platform for academia and industry.

GoCo Arena is as much a meeting place as a platform designed to create collaboration enabling new advances in life science. GoCo Arena highlights health innovation from different perspectives, where representatives from the industry are invited to share experience and visons. As a new Founding Partner, Mölnlycke Health Care will join forces with the crowd of partners – AstraZeneca, Fujirebio Diagnostics, Sahlgrenska Academy and Wellspect HealthCare – to further develop the Arena's agenda.
- GoCo Arena has all the prerequisites to create new innovative collaborations where the outcome of one plus one can become three. As a Founding Partner, we want to contribute with knowledge, ideas and insights that together with the other partners and representatives can result in new sustainable solutions. This in turn will drive the development of healthcare and shape the patient care of the future, says Zlatko Rihter, CEO at Mölnlycke Health Care.
GoCo Arena is a creative community platform also defining the culture within GoCo Health Innovation City. Exchange of knowledge and ideas where collaborations and common ambitions are at the core and sets the foundation for jointly driving force to important topics and the development of life science in general.
- Our ambition is to gather different actors from industry and academia to build a strong collaborative platform. We believe that new ideas are born from unexpected dialogues when people start to share experiences and thoughts. In turn, this leads to new unthought-of constellations and collaborations. To have Mölnlycke Health Care joining as Founding Partner is important to GoCo Arena and the development of the cluster. We now look forward to accelerating the power of innovation together with all our Founding Partners, says Josephine Urbath, Project Manager at GoCo Arena.