Sustainability Report 2020
The company’s most recent Sustainability Report is out now, outlining our performance against our sustainability targets and approach for the future.

Mölnlycke’s sustainability performance in 2020 was strong. We exceeded many of our targets, including for those for lost-time accidents, CO2e emissions and waste management. We made progress in our diversity target, and we are on track to reach our goal of 40% of female senior leaders by 2023¨´.
Driven by our purpose
The pandemic had a significant impact at Mölnlycke, affecting how we served customers and looked after our employees. COVID-19 also underlined our purpose: employees worked tirelessly to support healthcare professionals, delivering more than 600,000 additional items of vital staff clothing, protection and other equipment to deliver patient care.
Launching sustainable solutions
2020 saw us introduce new, more sustainable solutions, with the launch of a universal drape partly sourced from a raw material made from tall oil. A residue from the forest industry, tall oil is highly sustainable, as it is both renewable – and, since forests absorb carbon, it has the potential to be carbon neutral.
Advancing our approach
During the year, we also began a project to strengthen our sustainability approach. We formally increased the number of Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) we focus on from two to six, introduced a new Sustainability Policy, and started to update our materiality analysis.
CEO Zlatko Rihter said, ‘At Mölnlycke, we are passionate about the difference we can make. Over the next few years, we will considerably strengthen our sustainability approach. I believe this is the right thing to do – and the right time.’
Download the 2020 Mölnlycke Sustainability report here.