Clinical learning webinars for professional education
Tap into the knowledge, experience and evidence provided by clinical experts and thought leaders through Mölnlycke wound care learning webinars. Through the series of Mölnlycke webinars, explore wound care learning and professional education across a wide range of healthcare industry and wound care topics.
Available on-demand to watch at your convenience, webinars in the series present a range of key wound care subjects, including:

Webinar topics are available across a range of subjects:
- Incision care
- Burns
- Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU)
- Venous leg ulcers (VLU)
- Pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment (PUP/PIP)
- Hard-to-heal/chronic wounds
- Value based healthcare
The page is also searchable to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. For example, you can search by different wound management issues and terms, such as exudate management and infected wounds.
Downloadable learning resources
Dive deeper into wound areas and types with the following downloadable resources:
- PU - Role of dressings in Pressure Ulcer Prevention (585 kB)
- Pressure ulcers Management - Algorithm of care Brochure (570 kB)
- Pressure ulcer therapy - clinical evidence (89 kB)
- Pressure ulcer therapy brochure (4.35 MB)
- DFU - algorithm for assessment and dressings selection (2.14 MB)
- DFU HCP brochure (4.61 MB)
- DFU patient brochure (1011 kB)
- VLU Algorithm of for assessment & dressing selection (1.49 MB)
- Treating Skin tears brochure (5,2 MB)
- Silver containing foam dressings with Safetac: A review of the scientific and clinical data (983 kB)