A venous leg ulcer is a chronic leg injury or sore that takes more than two weeks to heal and happens due to chronic venous insufficiency. Leg ulcers are a significant problem, and managing these ulcers relies on the effective use of compression therapy.
Understanding risk, the wound aetiology and knowing how and when to apply compression therapy are just a few of the key knowledge areas with which healthcare professionals must be experienced to deliver optimal care for venous leg ulcers. Other insights and professional education for healthcare professionals is available.

The Exufiber® Effect
It is time for change
Highly exuding wounds are challenging to treat. Clinicians may see exudate pooling, slough and delayed healing due to the presence of biofilm. Patients may feel pain, embarrassment and anxiety from leakage. That is why we are looking at gelling fibres differently. Providing a wound healing solution that clinicians want to see and that patients can feel.
Downloadable resources
- Venous Leg Ulcer Algorithm of for assessment & dressing selection (1.51 MB)
- VLU therpy brochure (5.41 MB)
Read more about VLU, DFU, PU, Skin tears, and General wound healing. External publications produced together with / or by our partner associations and industry peers.