O.R. Efficiency Assessment Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Introducing ProcedurePak surgical trays into a hospital provides a great number of opportunities to optimize processes and thereby increase efficiency. This analysis shows a selection of the potential improvements for your hospital:
- Time saving: 3,715 hours in the O.R. material management process
- 97 % reduction in ordering individual items required
- Waste reduced by 100,200 individual packages
- Waste reduction of 440 kg
There are also several other factors affected by implementing ProcedurePakwhich were not included in this analysis. These are:
- Increased employee satisfaction due to increased focus on core skills or a reduction in overtime
- Errors are minimized because processes are simpler
- Increased quality or further cost reductions due to simplified handling

Reduction in package waste
The reduction of single packed items leads to a reduction in the waste of packages in the O.R. An overview of the specific ProcedurePak trays yields the following environmental optimisation potential.
As already mentioned in chapter 1, the number of individual packages can bereduced by 95%, from 104,800 to 4,600 per year. The remaining 4,600 individual surgical trays cover all single use items which previously were partly packed individually, a total of 155,100 items.